November 2022 Event
In November, we hosted our first Start in New Haven event at NXTHVN. Here’s a recap on how it went!
Our Presenters
IRL Innovations is a company that makes consumer products, designed to make life easier and/or safer for children and families.
Contact: Clovia McIntosh
Website -
A project to make New Haven home to the most skateparks per capita in the world. In addition to current skateparks (Edgewood, Scantlebury, The Bowl, and Temple Street Garage), the presenter is looking to bring a team together to build the next one!
Contact: Ben Berkowitz
Email: -
This presenter team is designing a decentralized healthcare data platform intended to enable exchange and usage of healthcare data.
Contact: Tsikata Apenyo
Email: -
The Elements of Abundance are a collective movement of community builders and uplifters whose work and fruit define our purpose — organized by three mothers who curate events that fall generally under three categories: restoration, indulge, connect & build.
Contact: Arden Santana
Email: -
This is a project that is proposing a set of "tactical urbanism" projects that seek to transform underutilized urban space into community/residential areas.
Contact: Kevin Yang
Email: -
This idea is for a brick-and-mortar New Haven Style Pizza Hall Of Fame that would annually select pizzerias to be featured in the exhibitions.
Contact: Frank Zabski
View the full deck of presentations
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Read more in New Haven Register!
Special thank you to NXTHVN for hosting us, ConnCORP for providing us with food, and every single person who came to support!